Sunday, August 1, 2010

Here, There & Everywhere

I never know where or when an idea for a recipe or experiment or adjustment to my brewing process will strike me. So as a result, I always have a bunch of small scraps of paper with quick notes jotted on them - difficult to keep track of. They end up in pockets and books, on the kitchen table, nightstand, living room, office, etc. It drives my wife nuts. So this blog is an effort to organize my ideas, recipes, and notes on beers in process. Beyond that I hope someone finds my ramblings interesting and maybe gets some ideas for a beer or two. Actually, I encourage anyone to take any of my ideas and put them to the test and let me know about the results, I have more ideas for beers than I have time to brew them. I caution though, most of the recipes I post here will have never seen tun, kettle, bottle or glass. They should not be viewed as "tried and true", but as experimental (for the most part - I'll let ya know if I post something I've brewed multiple times and had success with).

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